
Liquid Gold? Please!

Meet Jojoba Oil!

We all want that healthy glow with the easiest steps necessary in doing so. Jojoba Oil at its purest form is literally liquid gold for your face, body and hair! I can’t say enough how much using this lovely has benefited by face. It is natural, toxin free and does NOT clog Pores!

I hear from many people that they are nervous to use “oils” on their face and that they believe it will increase chances for acne and shiny-oily skin. In fact, your skin needs good oils. That is why your sebaceous glands create oil of their own to naturally moisturize you. The more “oil” you need, the more you produce them naturally so why not give your skin what it needs? You may feel a bit oily in the beginning but your skin will adjust and THANK YOU later.

On the other side, for you dry ladies and gentlemen, you definitely should apply an oil daily. Dry skin can be due to genetics, age, health and Mother Nature. Ever come out of the shower after cleansing your face resulting with an itchy and tight face? That’s a tell all that you’re dry and should try a gentle cleanser and add oil to your moisturizing routine. That’s a feeling I no longer have or miss!

As I dig into natural skincare, (which is my top priority in personal products) I am finding that there are SO many remedies to help us all without getting fancy or chemically. Yes I agree for instant gratification, the fancy products may be fitting and there’s something for everyone out there. I’d never bash anyone’s routine.

Back to Jojoba Oil aka Liquid Gold, it is a liquid distilled from the seeds of the jojoba plant that is structurally similar to our own sebum. This beautiful liquid promotes overall skin health with daily use such as:

  • Treats skin infections
  • Acne treatment
  • Treats scars and wrinkles
  • Helpful for sensitive skin, eczema and psoriasis

Effective on your body and helps nurture hair as well!

Not all oils are suggested. My favorite Jojoba oil!

*Based on my own opinions, results and research. I am not a doctor and my suggestions are not to treat or cure.